Here is a link to the Google Document: How2Guide: Extended Desktop.

  • First, press hold the 'Windows' key and the letter 'P' key together as shown by the image to the left.

  • Then navigate to the ‘Extend’ option.

  • Your screen should then look like the following.

  • Notice that your Desktop icons such as Google Chrome and other applications should be on your PC Monitor. 

  • To test the identity of each display, go to the ‘Window’ home button in the Bottom Left corner, go to ‘Settings’, then go to ‘System’ and then to ‘Display’.

  • This will show the settings for the Display, to identify which display is which please click the ‘identify’ button. 

  • Feel free to adjust the Display of 1 & 2 by simply moving them to your preference. 

  • Once you are confident in using Extended Desktop you will be able to show PowerPoints or YouTube videos on the Smart Board while finishing off some work or marking sheets using the Monitor. 

  • It stops Teachers having to use the Freeze button on remotes and is a more dynamic use of Technology for the Classroom. 

If any of these steps have not worked or you require further training then please contact IT Support.